Resilience & Transition Coaching

with or without hypnosis with Lisa Mangoni

Lisa at Event

You Are Not Alone

Some transitions in life are expected, exciting and welcomed, but there are others that hit you like a brick- suddenly, without warning- devastating you, blindsiding you and leaving you with no support -alone and wondering what you are going to do.

First, know that you are not alone. I have years of experience in helping people get through the most serious of diagnosis and the most serious of devastating events. By teaching you some simple self-soothing strategies, I can help you find some peace as you have to make decisions and power through this difficult time. You are likely experiencing some chemical reactions in your brain that are exacerbating your feelings of helplessness -or even panic. There is hope–once we get the brain chemistry to settle down, we can get to the work of helping you sort out your situation.

If you are immersed in a transition that you have planned, but are hitting a wall that you hadn’t, we can work together on setting some realistic goals, identifying strategies to work through the blocks, and get you on your way.

Maybe you have decided that SOMETHING needs to change, but you are just not sure what that is. Together we can identify what it is you want, what might be in your way, and how you are going to move that brick out of your way. I am only a phone call/text away, so we can start you on your journey today.

Transitions are...

Life can throw some pretty big obstacles in our way at times and it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. By working with a resilience coach, you can find support and collaboration through the transitions that you are experiencing, or the boulders you are trying to move. In working together, we help you uncover the resources that you have, create a map for your next steps, and set you into action for arriving on the other side successfully.

With or without hypnosis, we navigate through the transition that you are experiencing:

Even the transitions that we plan for can get stressful to the point where we need to reach out and find a navigation partner. Some transitions though, are thrust upon us suddenly, leaving us feeling blindsided, and in shock. This is when your brain reaches for the flight, fight or freeze mode. During this time, we are then called upon to make our most important decisions and we need support. That means that the first thing we need to do is get your brain back to functioning in homeostasis (its most optimal state), so that you can find some balance, weigh your options, and make those critical decisions.



One-on-One Coaching


We utilize contemporary coaching strategies to move you forward to where you want to be.

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Self-Hypnosis Training


Bring your brain back to a state of homeostasis, so that you can find balance, weigh options, and make critical decisions.

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Meditation Instruction

Woman meditating at beach sunset

When you begin using meditation each day, your life changes. The benefits of this simple task are incredible.

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Programs and Recordings

“Go inside” with the help of our audio helpers to to call upon your “inner adviser” to get the answers you seek.

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