Let's Work Together

Wellness Coaching
When a person has been diagnosed with serious illness, or has been faced with great adversity, she or he may not want to share 100% of their thoughts and feelings about their journey. I can be your advocate and coach, or, I can coach your advocate and coach. Each diagnosis and patient are different in what they want and need. Sometimes it is important to have someone who is not connected to you by blood or emotion listening to your point of view. Sometimes it is best to have a close friend or relative. This can be tricky though, so let’s talk about what is best for you in your unique circumstance.
As your navigation partner, your coach, your advocate, I provide you with support and accountability along with personal collaboration on planning your next move, as well as in executing the steps throughout.
An ancient Chinese proverb defines our relationship: “To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.”
Even when it is only possible to put one foot in front of the other, we work together to keep you stepping.
What you can Expect:
To begin with:
- You will come away knowing at least three ways to immediately calm your anxiety. We use EFT (tapping), deep breathing and visualization techniques to bring you relief.
- We use the most contemporary coaching strategies to move you forward to where you want to be. For some people that simply means to be able to face the day ahead and for others, it means setting goals and taking steps toward reaching these goals.
What results you can expect in coaching with Lisa:
- You will develop strategies for moving forward through the challenges of your current life.
- You will identify and utilize your own resourcefulness in overcoming any challenges as you manage your self-doubt, fears and anxieties.
- You become empowered in moving through the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of a serious illness or setback, and come out victorious and confident!
- I provide you with the support and accountability necessary to move you forward. You will come away knowing techniques of meditation, self-care, self-hypnosis and EFT I will also make sure you know how to use VR to immediately change your state-and your life.
You are worth it and I’m here for you.

Life’s Transitions
Some transitions in life are expected, exciting and welcomed, but there are others that hit you like a brick- suddenly, without warning- devastating you, blindsiding you and leaving you with no support -alone and wondering what you are going to do.
First, know that you are not alone. I have years of experience in helping people get through the most serious of diagnosis and the most serious of devastating events. By teaching you some simple self-soothing strategies, I can help you find some peace as you have to make decisions and power through this difficult time. You are likely experiencing some chemical reactions in your brain that are exacerbating your feelings of helplessness -or even panic. There is hope–once we get the brain chemistry to settle down, we can get to the work of helping you sort out your situation.
If you are immersed in a transition that you have planned, but are hitting a wall that you hadn’t, we can work together on setting some realistic goals, identifying strategies to work through the blocks, and get you on your way.
Maybe you have decided that SOMETHING needs to change, but you are just not sure what that is. Together we can identify what it is you want, what might be in your way, and how you are going to move that brick out of your way. I am only a phonecall/text away, so we can start you on your journey today.

Dating Coach
I can help with everything from your Internet ad to your self concept as you leave the house for your dates. Remember regardless of how “it” goes, you have something to learn from the situation. Too Shy? Men, would you like to feel more attractive and BE more attractive to women? Call me! I can help, and I guarantee it.
Go from broken-hearted to open-hearted in three weeks! Are you in a defeated state brought on by a recent breakup? I have developed a program that will help you deal with the excess energy and negative thinking that is not serving you in your daily life. Want relief? Call today! (GLBT Friendly)
Relationship Coach
Relationship issues don’t just appear. They often begin with simple misunderstanding or miscommunication. By learning to understand yourselves and each other better you increase intimacy and break down barriers to understanding. Problems can be avoided by using some simple techniques to ensure communication strengths. You can then begin to share and understand expectations within the relationship. We can also explore adding spiritual principles to the relationship.
Parent Coaching
None of us is perfect, and none of us does perfect parenting for sure. We all have challenges, however, so if you feel you would like some support, please contact me. We can set some goals and proceed in a way that will benefit your family for years to come.

Where’s the Line? A Parent’s Guide to a Peaceful Family.

This is the back cover of “Where’s the Line: A Parent’s Guide to a Peaceful Family.”