When we try to get our teenagers to listen to us, we can sometimes feel about as useful as a seatbelt on a motorcycle. The truth is though, they are usually listening. If your tone of voice is not commanding or demanding, nagging or judgmental, then your message is being received on some level. Now whether or not they follow through with whatever their best interest is in our eyes, is another story. That’s why it’s in our best interest to remember that it is the job we do with them when they are preteens that will determine what sort of teen they become. This holds true also, for the job we do when they are teens which sets them up for the type of adult they become. So don’t stop talking and don’t stop trying to influence them through modeling. Remember though, they are now making their own choices and these are choices that will bring successes and “learnings” throughout their lives. As a parent of young adults, I can tell you that it’s not always easy. The important thing to remember though is that at this point, they have their own lives to lead and these lives will contain light and dark moments. All we can do is let them know we will be there for them.